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Bon Jour!

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 Bon Jour!
Fecha: 02-02-2011 11:58 pm

Hey just becoming a member, glad to be here! I glimpse ahead to partcipating and have read a lot so far, so hello!

I've been concerned in some other forums and have located this put to have considerably far better subject matter, so it makes sense to finally publish!

BTW where is the option to change the time zone for my account? It's kind of weird having the time like 5 hours off lol

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 Re: Bon Jour!

País: Perú
Mensajes: 1178
Fecha: 03-02-2011 10:05 am


thank you to join us. For the moment, there is no way to show the local time. Dates ar hours in the forum are from the server, so it's GMT-6. But I will consider your comment.

Have a nice day,


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