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Cuisine in Peru

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 Cuisine in Peru
Courtney Koontz
Fecha: 27-08-2002 04:09 pm


I am a sophmore at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in the United States. I will be doing a presentation on the cuisine of Peru and will be preparing a dish for my intermediate spanish class this semester. I was just wondering if you could send some information about the cuisine and some more recipes or recomend a good website. Thank you for you time.

Courtney Koontz

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 Re: Cuisine in Peru

País: Perú
Mensajes: 1178
Fecha: 29-08-2002 04:09 pm

Hi Courtney,

Unfortunatly, I don't have a lot of Peruvian recipes in english; the same for any web adress in english. I'm traslating some recipes I have in other languages and it will take time.

If you understand french, you can find in this website 20 or 30 recipes, at the following link:

If you understand spanish, you can find in this website 180 recipes, at the following link:

Have a nice day,


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