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Flying Dutchman

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 Flying Dutchman
Pedro R. Silva
Fecha: 14-09-2011 08:48 pm

Olá amigos, gostaria muito de receber a letra da canção Flying Dutchman do Yellowstone and Voice. Tenho procurado muito na Net, mas está dificil de achar.

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 Re: Flying Dutchman
Pedro R. Silva
Fecha: 19-09-2011 07:20 pm

Hello friends, I would appreciate the lyrics Flying Dutchman of the Yellowstone and Voice. I have searched in the net a lot, but it is hard to find it.
A big hug from Brazil.

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 Re: Flying Dutchman
Fecha: 14-10-2011 09:55 am

Tudo bem Pedro?
Estou caçando a letra desta canção a anos e nada consegui.
Caso voce a ncontre primeiro, poderia repassá-la para mim.
Eu farei o mesmo.
A música é maravihosa.
Um grande abraço
Reinaldo Buchara

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 Re: Flying Dutchman
Pedro R. Silva
Fecha: 17-10-2011 05:33 am

Pois é, rapaz. Dessa música só tenho a versão em português, com The Fevers e José Augusto. Espero, sem muito ânimo, que algum amigo nosso aí de lígua inglesa nativa nos passe a letra da música original. Da mesma forma , caso você consiga, queira enviar a letra para mim. Um abraço.

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 Re: Flying Dutchman
Lenimar N. Andrade
Fecha: 23-12-2011 10:36 pm

Eu também procuro a letra de "The Flying Dutchman" de Yellowstone & Voice (1972) há muitos anos. Nunca a encontrei. Agora, o arquivo MP3, hoje em dia, é relativamente fácil de ser encontrado.

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 Re: The Flying Dutchman
Lila Villarroel
Fecha: 06-04-2012 06:00 pm

Tenho a música The Flying Dutchman em MP3, mas não consigo encontrar a letra. As que aparecem com o mesmo nome não são a mesma gravada por essa maravilhosa dupla. Se alguém tiver, agradeço a postagem.

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 Re: The Flying Dutchman
Fecha: 29-04-2014 12:07 am
O disco completo

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 Re: The Flying Dutchman
Pedro Ribeiro da Silva Ribeiro
Fecha: 04-05-2014 04:48 pm

Olá, amigo:
Veja a letra da música The Flying Dutchman neste link:

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 Re: The Flying Dutchman
Fecha: 27-06-2014 05:51 am


A lady with a million fortunes, a lady with a thousand faces
Who travels all around the ocean on a storm
She lost herself along the ledges
And vanished on the night in the foam

A lady with a million decades, a lady with a thousand avengers
Reaches at the floating sea ships like a flame
She wheedled all along the fought front
And vanished in the light of her fame

The flying dutchman ship is just a myth
Curses with sailing are lies miswritten whim

A lady with a million facets, a lady with a thousand daydreams
Echoes in the ears of seamen like a shell
She searched for a treasure fortune
And vanished in the depth under spell

A lady with a million journeys, a lady with a thousand ghostmen
Is blowing on around the centuries on a curse
She lost herself among the tiny ships
And vanished in the mind of a verse

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 Re: The Flying Dutchman
Fecha: 03-02-2015 09:43 am

Pessoal, sorte do Pedro ter encontrado a letra que procurava. Eu, também como fã de Yellowstone & Voice estou procurando a letra de "Days to remember". Se alguém souber esta letra, por favor me passe.
Desde já agradeço

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 Re: The Flying Dutchman
eduardo hanna
Fecha: 14-05-2015 03:50 am

A lady with a million fortunes
A lady with a thousand faces
Who traveled all around the ocean on a storm
She lost herself along the light years
And vanished on the night in the foam, in the foam

A lady with a million decades
A lady with a thousand fingers
Who reaches at the floating seaships like a flame
She wadered all along the fog front
And vanished in the light of her fame, of her fame

The flying dutchman ship is just a myth
Ghosts we sail in our lives
Myths we live with

A lady with a million facets
A lady with a thousand daydreams
Who echoes in the ears of seamen like a shell
She searches for a treasured fortune
And vanished in a death under spell, under spell

A lady with a million journeys
A lady with a thousand ghost-men
Who's blowing all around the centuries on a curse
She lost herself among the time-ships
And vanished in the mind of a verse, of a verse

Music by Peter Papini (Yellowstone)
Lyrics by Jane Schwartz

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