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Letra de Música

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 Letra de Música
Richard Alan
Fecha: 18-02-2010 12:09 pm

Preciso da letra da música HELL, com Bernie Lyon

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 Re: Letra de Música
Fecha: 02-12-2016 04:53 am

Hell is the place for me now
That's the place where I'm going
See, I've been here before.
Hell is the place for me now
Can't you tell that I'm waving
Is knocking on my door.

Then again is a boring
I can think you're without it
Cause the wind's on my back
Cuse I wound

Hell is the place for me now
That's the place where I'm going
See, I've been here before.
Hell is the place for me now
Can't you tell that I'm waving
Is knocking on my door.

But you're dreams and your love
I won't be here tomorrow
I was nothing but sorrow
You find a better man
You got so many fans here

Hell is the turn of the town
Another place for living
On the bend of the shore
Hell is the turn of the town
Another place for dying
Till you found the score

hmmmm- woo wooo

But you're dreams and your love
I won't be here tomorrow
I was nothing but sorrow
You find a better man
You got so many fans here

Hell is the turn of the town
Another place for living
On the bend of the shore
Hell is the turn of the town
Another place for dying
Till you found the score

Hell is the turn of the town
Another place for living
On the bend of the shore
Hell is the turn of the town
Another place for dying
Till you found the score

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