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what is the creator of his site??

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 what is the creator of his site??
Bridget Harvey
Fecha: 07-05-2007 12:58 pm

Hello My name is Bridget. I was just hoping that possibly you could tell me who was the creator of this site. I am doign a school project on the Incas, and it would be of great help to me if you could send me back an e-mail. Sorry If you are not the one I should contact about this. And sorry I dont speak spanish. I hope you can get back to me about the creator and if not then maybe you could tell me who I could contact about the creator?
Thank you so much for your time,
gracias amigo
de nada

 Re: what is the creator of his site??

País: Perú
Mensajes: 1178
Fecha: 09-05-2007 04:00 am

Hi Bridget,

The creator of this website is here: and you can contact me at:

Have a nice day,

Paul - Webmaster

 Re: what is the creator of his site??
Bridget Harvey
Fecha: 10-05-2007 12:35 pm

Thank you sooo much!!!
We are so glad you made thsi thougthful website dedicated to such an important subject. We are so grateful that you responded and you have greatly helped our project come along. Thank you for your time.

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