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Fecha: 21-04-2005 08:24 am

Hi everyone!

I'm about to book two weeks hols in Peru for this October. I have found a trip called 'Flight of the Condor' on the website of 'The Adventure Company'. I was just wondering if anyone knew this travel agent and if so, had any comments about them.
I will be travelling alone and was thinking an organised trip was probably the easiest way to see most of the sites, but if you have any other recommendations, pls feel free to let me know.

many thanks

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 Re: Help!
Fecha: 26-04-2005 12:21 am

Hi Florence where are you from.
Do you understand spanish

Well I try to ask about this company


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 Re: Help!
Fecha: 01-05-2005 09:54 pm

hello, law your message and you know generally in tours consider to visit the Tube of colca, two days, seems to me just a short time to visit the tipicos towns like lari, tipicos Maca, that have beautiful colonial churches, dances and the majestic flight of the condor. The tourists generally arrivan to the international airport Jorge Chavez in Lima of alli buys an aerial passage to Arequipa and already there is muhas here agencies that take you to the Tube of the Colca. Also you can make the circuit turistico on foot, contract local guides, are them of confidence. Any doubt I will have great pleasure in ayudarte, Arequipa is a beautiful place of friendly people. I work in an organization publishes whose mission is the conservation and promotion of the Tube of colca in any doubt gustaria me to be able ayudarte.

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