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Orphhans inca dans Cajamarca

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 Orphhans inca dans Cajamarca
Fecha: 21-03-2005 06:14 pm

Nous avons besoin de deux filles dévouées pour habiter trois mois dans un orphelinat pour les filles Incas dans Cajamarca - les volontaires - aidant, nourrir, jouer avec, aimer, l'enseignement.

 Re: Orphhans inca dans Cajamarca
Fecha: 23-03-2005 12:21 pm

Est-il possible d'avoir plus d'info sans passer par le site?

 Re: Orphhans inca dans Cajamarca
Fecha: 27-03-2005 05:54 am

Who do we need?
We are looking for volunteers to join our organisation who are interested in working with poor orphaned girls and (preferably) have some knowledge of Spanish . Volunteers stay for as long as they like – although we ask for a minimum of 3 months from those who will live in the orphanage. During the mornings you will go to our other centre in Cajamarca, Hijas de La Caridad; where you will help street children. In the afternoons you will be with the orphans. Evenings, teach languages.

What to expect as a Volunteer:
Your Job at 'BELEN' will involve:
Teaching children
Team working
Sport activities, or music or art
Recreation activities
Teaching French or English to adults, evening hours
Promotion work

Accomodation & food costs:
We ask a fee from our volunteers to keep our work going. The money goes to pay for the bills, meals, and the cost of the social worker, and other PEruvian staff., also to promote the opening of our Children's Centres in Peru. This fee also includes accommodation 7 days per week and 3 meals a day, 5 days a week.
First 3 months $290 a month
Second 3 months $200 a month
Third 3 months $150 a month
After 1 Year $100 a month
On line Application

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