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Vladimiro Montesinos, Lima

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Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori's de facto spy chief Vladimiro Montesinos (R) and Congressman Luis Alberto Kuori (L) are shown in a video image during a meeting on September 14, 2000. A Peruvian television station broadcast a politically explosive video on September 14, showing Montesinos involved in what an opposition Congressman said was vote buying.
Vladimiro Montesinos, Lima
Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori's de facto spy chief Vladimiro Montesinos (R) and Congressman Luis Alberto Kuori (L) are shown in a video image during a meeting on September 14, 2000. A Peruvian television station broadcast a politically explosive video on September 14, showing Montesinos involved in what an opposition Congressman said was vote buying.
Vista: 33,022
Cuidad/lugar Lima
Departamento: Lima-Callao
Fecha de toma: 15 septiembre 2000
Créditos: Reuters

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